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本文运用文献资料法、调查访问法对1983~1991年及1991~2006年四川竞技体育进行历史回顾,分析四川竞技体育在这2个阶段得以巩固和发展的原因,总结出其经验,而这也是四川竞技体育今后可持续发展的基础。  相似文献   
围绕科技评审专家质量评价体系建设与应用研究这一主题,总结国家层面、广东省关于科技评审专家科研诚信管理方面的主要政策措施,基于元评价理论建立科技评审专家工作质量评价模型,并运用广东省重点领域研发项目评审数据进行实证分析,评价专家评审工作质量。研究发现,不同指标的平均得分与标准差存在明显的差异,应当受到相对应的关注与重视;同时,实例中大多数专家的评审质量处于一般的水平,需加强对表现较差的指标的监督管理。最后,根据政策梳理和模型的实证结果,提出完善科技评审专家信用管理工作的优化措施和建议。  相似文献   
Comprehensive reviews of child death are increasingly conducted throughout the world, although limited information is available about how this information is systematically used to prevent future deaths. To address this need, we used cases from 2005 to 2009 in the U.S. National Child Death Review Case Reporting System to compare child and offender characteristics and to link that information with actions taken or recommended by review teams. Child, caretaker, and offender characteristics, and outcomes were compared to team responses, and findings were compared to published case series. Among 49,947 child deaths from 23 states entered into the Case Reporting System during the study period, there were 2,285 cases in which child maltreatment caused or contributed to fatality. Over one-half had neglect identified as the maltreatment, and 30% had abusive head trauma. Several child and offender characteristics were associated with specific maltreatment subtypes, and child death review teams recommended and/or planned several activities in their communities. Case characteristics were similar to those published in other reports of child maltreatment deaths. Teams implemented 109 actions or strategies after their review, and we found that aggregating information from child death reviews offers important insights into understanding and preventing future deaths. The National Child Death Review Case Reporting System contains information about a large population which confirms and expands our knowledge about child maltreatment deaths and which can be used by communities for future action.  相似文献   
Dual language exposure and bilingualism are relatively common experiences for children. The present review set out to synthesize the existing research on cognitive development in bilingual children and to identify the gaps and the methodological concerns present in the existing research. A search of major databases for research conducted with typically developing, preschool-age dual language learners between 2000 and 2013 yielded 102 peer-reviewed articles. The existing evidence points to areas of cognitive development in bilingual children where findings are robust or inconclusive, and reveals variables that influence performance. The present review also identifies areas for future research and methodological limitations.  相似文献   
卢梭的社会契约论伦理思想在人类认识思想史的历史长河中闪烁着耀眼的光芒.本文从人的本性和社会的本性、道德情感和良心、爱自己与爱他人的关系以及社会契约的政治和伦理问题这四个方面对其进行了概述,身置其中对其合理性和局限性进行了评价,最后提出了它对现代社会生活的各个方面提供的有益启示.  相似文献   
要清晰了解《孔子诗论》在楚地的传播和发展状况,必须清楚《诗经》和儒家学说在楚国的传播和发展历史,唯有两者同时在楚地得到传播和发展后,带有儒家思想倾向的《孔子诗论》才有在楚地得到接受并被传播的可能.文章认为,若《孔子诗论》成书于春秋时代,当为七十予后学所作,并经由任不齐或澹台灭明传入楚地,则其成书当为乳子卒后即前479年以后,传入楚地应为前465年之后;若成书于前376年以后,传入楚地应为荀子任兰陵令的前257年—前238年之间或之后.但《上博简》为战国晚期贵族墓陪葬,战国于前221年结束,故《孔子诗论》入楚当限定在前257年—前221年的范围内.综合《上博简》的整体情况来说,后一种推断更具有说服力.  相似文献   
随着Web2.0技术的不断发展,大规模开放在线课程( MOOCs)以其免费、方便、省时、高质量和不受时间和空间限制等特征迅速在全球兴起。然而,作为一种新兴的课程模式,用于评估学习者作业的同伴互评环节由于设置过于简单,存在评阅者态度粗鲁、评价效率低下等问题,并不能取得令人满意的效果。针对如何提高大规模开放课程中同伴互评的效果这一问题,通过建立基于推荐机制的提高同伴互评效果的推荐模型,为学生作业分配较为合适的评阅人,从而达到优化同伴互评过程并提高学习者满意度的目的。  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝石刻文献是我国浩如烟海的石刻文献的一部分,自宋代以来,石刻文献的整理和研究日盛,其中以清代的研究成果最为丰厚。魏晋南北朝时期是汉字发展史上今文字阶段重要的过渡时期,它上承汉隶揩化,下启唐宋楷书的定形,研究价值相当重要。梳理此时期石刻文献文字方面的研究成果,是必要和有益的。  相似文献   
Assigning paper to suitable reviewers is of great significance to ensure the accuracy and fairness of peer review results. In the past three decades, many researchers have made a wealth of achievements on the reviewer assignment problem (RAP). In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of the primary research achievements on reviewer assignment algorithm from 1992 to 2022. Specially, this survey first discusses the background and necessity of automatic reviewer assignment, and then systematically summarize the existing research work from three aspects, i.e., construction of candidate reviewer database, computation of matching degree between reviewers and papers, and reviewer assignment optimization algorithm, with objective comments on the advantages and disadvantages of the current algorithms. Afterwards, the evaluation metrics and datasets of reviewer assignment algorithm are summarized. To conclude, we prospect the potential research directions of RAP. Since there are few comprehensive survey papers on reviewer assignment algorithm in the past ten years, this survey can serve as a valuable reference for the related researchers and peer review organizers.  相似文献   
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